I now have fresh eggs! My 2 big hens are laying. (they are also getting into my garden, which is making me more inclined to have roast chicken rather then a steady supply of eggs...) I gave away my first eggs to a friend the other day. It was such a nice feeling, to give some thing like that. The 2 little Chicky's are almost not Chicky's any more. The peeping has almost stopped and I catch them making more adult sounds. The are getting bigger. It wont be long and they will be laying as well.
My Garden is plodding along, but I had some trouble getting my Eden seeds to germinate (in the cold frame or in the garden) . The corn and 2 types of pumpkin did well in the garden until the chooks got in. They suffered some losses and war wounds, but my cucumbers and D's attempt at watermelons did not survive. I'll try and germinate some more tomato's, Mellon's and some other things that I maybe did not nurture well enough. In the mean time I went out to our locale nursery to purchased some herbs, Tomato's, beans and cucumbers to keep my gardening spirits up. I planted them yesterday, watered them, and then it rained. With only a month to go before my bub comes I'm taking it nice and easy in the garden.